November Update 

Hi everyone, 

Happy Thanksgiving!! I am thankful for each and everyone of you! And thank you for all your love and support, prayerfully and financially for our Guatemala short term mission trip! 

This time next week, we’ll be on our way to Guatemala! Wow, the time has really flown by, so much has happened in the last 2 months. Here’s an update on everything that’s happened so far! 


Over the last couple of months, we met up as a team every other weekend to train and prepare for what’s to come on the mission trip. It was also a great time fellowshipping and getting to know one another before the trip.


Praise the Lord! Our goal was to raise $12,000 as a team and we’ve raised over $22,000! Thank you so much for each of you that supported us financially! We are able to continue to bless the Guatemala missions with a love offering, items on the missionary wishlist and 20 new chromebooks for the AMI international school! 

Coding Camp

As part of the trip is the coding camp, our coding team (Dion, CY and Katy) looked through many different coding software and landed on Scratch and Scratch Jr. which were the most suitable for our audience (pre k to 4th graders) and are compatible with the technology we have, Chromebooks. Once you download the app on the Chromebook, it doesn’t require wifi to run the app! Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve trained on how to use the software and developed a curriculum for each of the classes. As Pre K to 1st graders are still mainly Spanish speaking, the first three levels will be taught in Spanish, with basic coding functions that are picture based rather than words, while the 2nd to 4th graders will be taught in English and with worded coding functions. Our beloved team member Katy, our in-house Spanish translator, did an amazing job translating the entire curriculum for Pre K to 1st graders! Thank you Katy! We pray that the students will enjoy learning coding and plant a seed or two for future coders! 

Career Fair 

After the coding camp, we will be hosting a career fair for the AMIIS students. After considering our individual careers and the more applicable jobs to the kids in Guatemala, we landed on presenting our own careers and how we got to where we are too, focusing on the importance of education and continued education. We’ll be presenting 5 different careers: UX engineer, Marketing, Finance, Healthcare, and Pharmacy/Biomanufacturing. We pray that through our career fair, it can open the AMIIS student’s mind to a few different careers that they wouldn’t normally see around them in Guatemala. 

Prayer Requests

As much as we can plan and prepare, we know that things will be out of our control and not go 100% according to plan. We pray that God will fill us with patience with the situation and with each other and that God will be at the center of our team. We pray for God to open the hearts of the kids and the people in the community of Coban as we partner with the missionaries already there with street evangelism and home visits. We pray for our team’s health, as we’re in the midst of cold and flu season. We ask God for protection over our physical, mental and spiritual health. We pray for safety as we travel with nine adults and three kids, two flights and one long windy car ride to get to Coban, Guatemala. We pray that God will open our eyes, ears and heart to hear and see the needs of Guatemala and how we can better support our missionary team there doing the groundwork. 

Thank you so much for your continuous love and prayers! Can’t wait to share with you all what God teaches us through this mission trip! 

Praise :)
